Creating a mobile marketplace

UX Research
UX Design
Mozaik global mock-ups

Product background

Mozaik is a WYSIWG platform that enables creators to create, manage, and sell their digital content. Primarily available for web platforms, Mozaik plans to expand their offerings to mobile devices. In addition they plan to have a marketplace as part of their community strategy.

Tldr; Case studies are lengthy ;)


My role

UX Designer


UI Designer


3 week, school project for community partner


How can customers check the credibility of the products on the Mozaik Marketplace?


Use features such as reviews, creator profiles and detailed product information.


Progress product strategy for Mozaik as they refine concepts for their roadmap


User interviews
Problem Definition
User stories
User flows
UI Design
Moderated usability test


Discovering what, why, and how

User interviews

We interviewed 4 teachers and 3 corporate trainers. Our 7 interviews asked questions like:
  • Do you make digital content for your staff/students?
  • What tools do you use to make them?
  • Would you consider shopping for module that other teachers/trainers have made?
Our interviewees expressed that it takes time, planning, and creativity to make the material. They want to see different ideas and attempts on these lessons. They're also open to the idea of shopping for ready-made material! This response is great as it shows the need for the feature that we were designing for Mozaik.

Research Insight

Design Implications

When making training content, trainers don't want to start from scratch.
Showcase the "ready-made" value through demos.
Credibility is key when looking for training materials.
Offer information on what concepts the module will teach and who made the module.
Cheap course materials are preferred but they are willing to invest.
Showcase the value of each module through product description, reviews, and demos.
UX Research deliverables for Mozaik

Pivot and prioritize

Problem definition

We brought our interview findings to our stakeholders and we concluded in focusing into 1 target persona – corporate trainers.

We also focused on one key problem for our 3 week sprint: How might we help Susan check the credibility of the resources she finds on the Mozaik Marketplace?

To solve this, we brainstormed a few solutions, all of which we decided to use:
  • Reviews
  • Allow users to leave reviews on each module to share their experiences with each module.
  • Show a demo
  • Allow users to experience what their own staff members might go through and to help them visualize how they can plan and implement the material.
  • Creator bio
  • Allow users to learn more about the module creator.
  • Minimal UI Design
  • Allow the modules to be the star of the app rather than having overpowering Mozaik branding.

User stories

We wrote user stories to focus our design. One story we often referred to was:

"As a Learning Specialist, I want to have access to relevant and credible modules so that I can support the staff’s needs and professional development."

User scenarios

We used user scenarios to further paint the situation we were solving for. Taking inspiration from the 2019 Canadian cultural climate, we looked at how corporate trainers might train their staff on the Cannabis Act.

With the passing of this new law, most companies are thinking about the workplace policies and consequences that Cannabis legalization will create workplace.


Making the screens

Wireframes and high fidelity mockups for Mozaik


The true test is a usability test

Do users have enough information for assessing credibility?

We tested our wireframes on a group of corporate trainers. We asked them if they feel comfortable purchasing a particular Mozaik module.

Converting the sale is core to the product. We saw that purchasing a sale was hindered by the lack of product information. We took this information and tweaked our final product. If we had more time, I would suggest another sprint to explore other solutions to our credibility pain point.
Mozaik creator page wireframe


Not enough information for users
Mozaik creator page screenshot


Added PRO tag to show credibility
Add About section
Mozaik product wireframe


Not enough information for users
Mozaik product screenshot


Added "system requirements" section

"Ali coordinated a high quality project. Working with her shows you what teamwork means and how talent pay off at end of the day."

Paul Zhao, UI Designer

What I learned from this project

Mobile might not be the right route

This sprint made us question whether mobile was the right route for Mozaik. This 3 week sprint hinted that an Android marketplace might not make sense for customers. We should save this concept for a future phase instead!

First ANDROID APP Design

Thanks to this project, Google's Material Design guidelines became my best friend :) 

Need to test in market

We had constraints in this 3 week sprint and although we were successful this time around, many considerations and questions came up.
  • What else can we do to showcase the credibility of each Mozaik module?
  • When other markets are added, how will the information architecture look?
  • How can we improve the creator profile?

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